About the project

Starting from the fact that experts and representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Information declared industrial heritage the most endangered and least researched heritage category in Serbia in 2013, the Digital Dissemination of Brewing Heritage project aimed to contribute to its research, valorization, preservation and presentation.

The significance of the project is reflected primarily in the innovative methodology of developing awareness of the values and potentials of industrial heritage. Digital dissemination will make data on the researched segment of industrial heritage available to the professional and general public. Thus, it will improve the possibilities of its protection, but also set new standards in digital documentation and presentation. The most important elements of the brewing heritage are presented within the online platform through a kind of virtual route, which will contribute to the affirmation of the cultural and tourist potential of the breweries in Vojvodina. The final result of the project is a documentary-historical-monographic film about Vojvodina breweries, which also offers quality interactive content about the heritage of brewing.

The project Digital Dissemination of Brewing Heritage was realized in four phases using several methods

Phase I

critical evaluation,

selection and systematization of 

collected archival material

Phase II

field research,

technical recording

photo and video documenting

Phase III

processing and editing 

of digitized archival 

and new material

Phase IV

promotion of project results 

through the virtual path 

Beer Routes through Vojvodina


Research of material in historical and breweries’ archives


Documenting the current condition of breweries


The film Beer Routes through Vojvodina


Online platform